I am my own evidence (at least the first 90 seconds)
The following evidence examples span many of my 18 years of teaching and managing design education

March 20, 2014
MyLMS integration
12:30 pm
Above you will find an example of how I like to use the forums to get all campus students enrolled in the ACVL100 module to collaborate

September 03, 2019
Copywriting Group Work
15:30 pm
Students are encouraged to solve problems in groups and then discuss their findings with other groups to find possible similarities, differences and/ or solutions. This helps to break up what would normally be a theory-heavy module.

September 11, 2019
FESPA Field Trip
14:00 pm
Taking students on field trips to see their world of work in action is imperative for learning.
Examples of Learning Opportunities Created
Here are examples of learning opportunities I have created for some of my classes in History 1 (Visual Literacy 1), Design Studio 1 (Communication Design 1) and Copywriting 3. Each of these are downloadable for viewing:
Assignment 1: ACVL100
This assignment is set up to help students navigate the new world of research.
Assignment 3: ACVL100
This assignment involves students starting and maintaining a blog throughout the modern art movement - documenting their learning as they develop tech skills.
ACVL100 Semester Test
Using MyLMS Quiz we are able to run tests digitally. Our focus is not on rote memorisation but on working smart, under pressure and developing soft skills while enhancing application of learned material that is accessible throughout the duration of the test.
(layout affected during print process)
Learning Task Design: ACCW300 (2014). An old brief designed to show how design can help change the world around you if you are willing to open your eyes and make a difference.
Assignment 2: ACVL100
This assignment requires a deep analysis of the student's own family, culture and sub-culture. Students are developing skills to document their own familial history for generations to come.
Assignment 2: Making meaning (2014). This older assignment helped students understand the concept of curating and synthesis
Learning Task Design: ACGD100 (now ACCD100) - despite developing this in 2014, we still use this brief in the 1st year curriculum as it teaches many skills that benefit the development of the first year learner.
Technology Timelines
Students are required to learn new ways of creating interactive timelines
MyLMS Use and Examples:
MyLMS and blended learning is no longer a "nice-to-have". This is the way of the future and students should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning, where class time is utilised for discussions and group work - a place to find a social understanding of things dealt with at home/ in free time.
Blended Learning - More advanced examples
An interactive timeline created for a master's module showing the chronological timeline following a particular country's educational policies
Our final brief for 3rd year involves a choice between 3 different aspects of the design industry. This is laid out in one Rise presentation for students to work through
Ki-Learning - a hypothetical project to produce educational kiosks through a government project to educate learners who are affected by a pandemic/ in very rural areas. A group project by Yolandi Coetser, Yasmin Motani, Robyn Bunt, Lisa Parrock and Bianca Le Cornu:
[The Kiosk is currently under construction but feel free to access the other artefacts]
Steroids project by Bianca Le Cornu, Yolandi Coetser, Peter Schutte. Our prof requested that we develop an easier way to teach "newbies" about the course using our learning design knowledge.
Every year our 2nd and 3rd years compete in Goldpack. This is a learning opportunity I produced for the 2020 competition with help with videos from Bill (from Goldpack).
Digital Sexism - A group project by 4 people including Yasmin Motani and Bianca Le Cornu. The example is a great way to show how free sofware can be used to submit thorough designed outputs for learning - and has changed the way I expect final submissions to appear - as students can develop holistically learning non-subject specific software: LINK
Here are some of the learning opportunities developed in my modules for my masters, for my prof (for his modules) as well as a few created for the modules I develop.
Peer Evaluation & Comments
Here are two peer evaluations on learning activities I ran, as well as 3 qualitative pieces written about me by my peers.
Peer Evaluation
2 colleagues, 2 classes attended, 2 peer evaluations provided
I have worked with and under Bianca for a little over a decade. She exemplifies what it means to be a leader. She is always authentic and honest in all her interactions with staff and students alike and sets the standards for her team. “Above and beyond” do not do justice to the role she takes on in the department, as a compassionate and empathetic mentor and coach; a genuine and passionate role model; and trusted and respected manager.
As an educator Bianca has garnered trust & admiration from her students & peers. Her knowledge and experience in life, design & business makes her a valuable asset to both staff and students. She is the first to offer advice & help when needed, often at the detriment of her own deadlines (which she then has to catch up in her own time). I have never EVER walked away from Bianca confused or unsure; if anything, I ALWAYS walk away feeling confident, motivated, encouraged & empowered!!!!
Bianca is extremely dedicated to her job, she goes above and beyond what she is asked to do. She has natural people skills and she genuinely cares about people. She is a natural leader who leads rather by example and fairness, that guarantees respect from her co-workers. Bianca is a clear communicator and she's always willing to listen. Always approachable and always on the ball, a fantastic manager.
Pass Rates: Historical (2012 - 2013) and Current (2017 - 2018)
I had consistently good pass rates in my modules at my previous place of employment as can be seen below. In Copywriting - my specialisation - I have always had a 100% pass rate. I try and share my passion with my students throughout their academic careers.
In my new position as a Senior Lecturer at TUT in the Postgrad Transdisciplinary Design space, I have a 100% pass rate for the first year of teaching (2021) in Design Professionalism and Integrated Communication Tech and Prac.
Research Output
Please find 2 research papers and their links below: